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Past Events from December 16, 2023 – December 15, 2015 – CARING HANDS AFRICA, INC

Volunteers All-state Meeting

Big Hall E37th Street, Brooklyn, NY, United States

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc porta fringilla ullamcorper. Morbi felis orci, lacinia a velit et, sodales condimentum metus. Nulla non fermentum nisl. Maecenas id molestie turpis, sit amet feugiat lorem. Curabitur sed erat vel tellus hendrerit tincidunt. Sed arcu tortor, sollicitudin ac lectus sed, rhoncus iaculis lectus. Ut efficitur feugiat enim […]

Child Rights Consultation

Big Hall E37th Street, Brooklyn, NY, United States

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc porta fringilla ullamcorper. Morbi felis orci, lacinia a velit et, sodales condimentum metus. Nulla non fermentum nisl. Maecenas id molestie turpis, sit amet feugiat lorem. Curabitur sed erat vel tellus hendrerit tincidunt. Sed arcu tortor, sollicitudin ac lectus sed, rhoncus iaculis lectus. Ut efficitur feugiat enim […]

Workshop by Bob Doe

Big Hall E37th Street, Brooklyn, NY, United States

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc porta fringilla ullamcorper. Morbi felis orci, lacinia a velit et, sodales condimentum metus. Nulla non fermentum nisl. Maecenas id molestie turpis, sit amet feugiat lorem. Curabitur sed erat vel tellus hendrerit tincidunt. Sed arcu tortor, sollicitudin ac lectus sed, rhoncus iaculis lectus. Ut efficitur feugiat enim […]

Board Meeting

Our first Board meeting was an amazing experienced where the highly effective team elaborated on the future of the organization. The future is bright with the level of commitment from the team. See Message from the Board Chair  

A Discussion of Challenges to access of Care in Under-served populations

Virtual Conference Call MD, United States

A virtual discussion among charities, healthcare providers, nurses, volunteers, students and parties interested in rural healthcare. Aim To review health disparities between hard to access communities and urban communities To brainstorm solutions for reaching those underserved populations To network with other organizations Registration is open $20 per participant Presented by Alang Geh RN-BSN, BSC (Emergency Med) […]

Fund Raising Gala -Summer 2018

 Featuring a fantastic band called 2degrees. The sound of music and fun will be on. Don't miss it. Come One! Come All! Thousands of adults and kids are dying each year to disease as a result of lack of potable water in remote communities in Africa. We are raising funds to acquire community water filters, […]

Cameroon Mission 2018

Toube Community Cameroon SW, Cameroon

Sustainable Health Missions, Routine annual free Sick call/mobile clinic providing: free BP screenings, provide back to school supplies, Finger sticks, STDs/UTi Checks, provide treatment to common infections, fevers, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, GERD, skin conditions and many more, Local community family

Volunteers Training

Randallstown Community Center 3505 Resource Drive, Randallstown, MD, United States

VOLUNTEERS WILL BE TRAINED internally on different aspects of making an impact in their community. The 3 days workshop is designed to lift volunteers into a world of volunteerism Young people of all abilities, mainly aged between 13 and 28. Volunteering Short Course follows a a customized curriculum for International activists but has been designed with adult […]
